Benefits of going Open Source

Benefits of going Open Source

Benefits of going Open Source By Team Arrk Thought Leadership 4 mins read Open source software may be a buzz term in the technological sphere, but the concept is one with a rich history that pre-dates the internet and even the personal computer. For example, it was back in 1911 that Henry Ford won a…

Guide to lean software development

Guide to lean software development By Team Arrk Thought Leadership 4 mins read Anyone who has been searching for more information about lean software development will have almost certainly been met by more difficult jargon, such as: lean principles; lean manufacturing; and Agile software development. So if you’re struggling to get your head around what…

Scrumban Team

Our Journey into Scrumban

Our Journey into Scrumban By Team Arrk Thought Leadership 5 mins read Here at Arrk Group we have adopted Scrumban methodologies over Scrum and other alternative development methodologies. Let’s take a look why we did, what we did and importantly what have been the benefits. Scrum and Kanban Since Agile was first conceived, many development…

Virtual Offshore Application Management

Virtual Offshore Application Management By Team Arrk Thought Leadership 2 mins read Here’s a question. What’s your business’ greatest asset? You’ll probably say your staff – after all, without them you wouldn’t have a business at all, right? But do you know which staff are your most valuable? Which ones do you depend on to…

Driving Out Humdrum From Retrospectives

Driving Out Humdrum From Retrospectives By Vignesh Murthy Thought Leadership 3 mins read The Sprint Retrospective ceremony is one of the most important ceremonies for a scrum team as this is the time when the team reviews the sprint, ways of working, existing processes and comes up with improvements/actions which will help them in becoming…