Business Analytics

Business Analytics | The story of 2016

Business Analytics | The story of 2016 By Team Arrk Thought Leadership 4 mins read Business analytics has come a long way during 2016. From the exclusive property of analysts to something that’s now easily accessible to all business users, analytics is developing rapidly and so, as we approach the halfway point in the year,…

Blockchain Technology | An Introductory Guide

Blockchain Technology | An Introductory Guide By Team Arrk Thought Leadership 5 mins read The financial services industry is undergoing something of an evolution as the technology that kick-started bitcoin looks set to transform the way in which banks manage their transactions. The technology in question is known as blockchain and in this blockchain technology…

Design Thinking

An Introduction to Design Thinking

An Introduction to Design Thinking By Team Arrk Thought Leadership 6 mins read Have you ever tried arranging and rearranging the furniture in your home until the time you and your family think it is perfect? No doubt you would have had discussions with your spouse, identified open spaces, the existent / non-existent furniture items…

Accessibility Testing

Accessibility testing is a type of testing designed to determine whether individuals with disabilities are able to use an application, which could be software, hardware, or some other type of product or service. Similar to usability testing, in that the product or service is tested to ensure it is easy for its intended audience to…

code review

Reviewing the code review

Reviewing the code review By Team Arrk Thought Leadership 6 mins read Code reviews have moved from a time-intensive, low-impact paper-based technique to a powerful and efficient tool as part of modern software engineering. This article explores the history and basics of code reviews, to see how the code review sits within a high-performing software…