Establishing a Virtual Offshore Delivery Centre

Establishing a Virtual Offshore Delivery Centre By Team Arrk Thought Leadership 2 mins read There are a number of problems inherent in the traditional ‘direct’ offshore engagement model where a UK Customer contracts directly with an offshore supplier. These are typically driven by the offshore supplier’s lack of UK domain knowledge, limited capability in effective…

Virtual Offshore Application Management

Virtual Offshore Application Management By Team Arrk Thought Leadership 2 mins read Here’s a question. What’s your business’ greatest asset? You’ll probably say your staff – after all, without them you wouldn’t have a business at all, right? But do you know which staff are your most valuable? Which ones do you depend on to…

Digital Transformation

Digital transformation best practice thoughts

Digital transformation best practice thoughts By Ian Southward Thought Leadership 7 mins read Over the last five years or so, there has been rapid evolution in the number of technologies that promise to disrupt established ways of doing business and mean that all organisations driving new initiatives should always take a Digital First approach. Evolution in mobile,…

Cross Browser Testing Conundrum

Cross Browser Testing Conundrum By Shailendra Matkar, Sandeep Maher Thought Leadership 4 mins read Testing applications which utilise Web Browsers is becoming increasing more complex. In the early 1990s, successful testing with a copy of Microsoft Internet Explorer and Netscape meant that you could be confident that the vast majority of users would be able…

Driving Out Humdrum From Retrospectives

Driving Out Humdrum From Retrospectives By Vignesh Murthy Thought Leadership 3 mins read The Sprint Retrospective ceremony is one of the most important ceremonies for a scrum team as this is the time when the team reviews the sprint, ways of working, existing processes and comes up with improvements/actions which will help them in becoming…

Agile Forecasting with Focus Factor

Agile Forecasting with Focus Factor By Vishal Prasad Thought Leadership 6 mins read How many deliverables should we commit to our customers in say the next two weeks? An intriguing question asked by many agile teams at the beginning of every iteration. The answer to this question depends largely on the team’s thinking, philosophy and…